Econ 1

Fall 2020 

Textbook info:

For Econ 1 and 2, you will need the "Connect" digital access code. You will be able to purchase it at a discount (~$100) through the course Canvas page once school starts. The code will also give you access to the eBook and will work for the entire Econ 1-2-3 series.

Link to YouTube channel

The videos on this channel are a supplement to the video clips offered on the textbook portal of Bernanke, Frank, Antonovics and Heffetz - which you will access through Canvas.

I strongly recommend watching those first if you are new to the material, as they are clear and start with basic, easy-to-follow examples.

The videos on the YouTube channel tend to have more complex cases and examples. 

This, in turn, makes them useful as a starting point for the Econ 100 (intermediate micro) series, which has its own dedicated - and more mathematically rigorous - video handbook IMVH, accessible through Canvas.